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How To: Using Wireless Memory Cards - Skateboarding Photographer Sam McGuire - In Focus
How To: Flash Duration - Skateboarding Photographer Sam McGuire- In Focus
How To: Using Fisheye, Wide-Angle & Telephoto lenses-Skateboarding Photographer Sam McGuire-In Focus
How To: Freezing Action with Flash Sync - Photographer Atiba Jefferson- In Focus
How to 'skateboard photography': fisheye or long lens
Support Diversity | Sam McGuire Interview
Samuel McGuire Webcam video from March 26, 2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
How to take skateboarding photos
How To: Photography Post-Production Using Lightroom with Jonathan Mehring - In Focus
Best Skateboard Focus Ever!
Indulge Yourself in the Photography of Vancouver's Skating Subculture.
How To: Composition - Skateboarding Photographer Michael Burnett - In Focus (Part 2 of 2)